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About Us

CivicsRUs helps develop youth into leaders who know how to participate in building up their communities. We make learning civics fun by teaching youth how to observe what is going on in their communities and become actively involved in finding solutions. We teach learning civics through building on existing knowledge by practicing the art of effective communication. We encourage incorporating diverse viewpoints and discussion through asking questions.

Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in youth, organizations, and communities.

What questions do you have?

What We Do?

CivicsRUs participants learn by doing. Guided by our experienced faculty, participants actively engage with their colleagues to disrupt old patterns, build skills, and develop new ways of thinking. Our programs focus on developing and enhancing eleven core competencies for 21st century leadership:

  • Self-awareness
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Life Skills
  • Diversity
  • Equity
  • Inclusion
  • Collaboration
  • Empowered professionalism

Mission Statement

At CivicsRUs, we believe that meaningful change comes from the youth: Throughout political history young people have played a major role in bringing change to communities, schools and unions, government and corporations, nonprofits and city officials, by working together and finding creative solutions to strengthen our democracy.

Our mission is to train, support, and connect youth to become leaders who build up and protect the communities they live in by being knowledgeable and responsible about democratic processes to hold elected and non-elected officials accountable.

CivicsRUs graduates will gain a deeper understanding of how city government works, and the necessary skills to improve it (School Districts/City Hall/City Council/Mayor/Public Works/Parks & Recreation/etc). To help them reach their goals of making positive change happen, we engage them with a network of positive and influential youth leaders. There is a saying, “All Politics Is Local” and it’s very true. Our youth working together with experienced professionals will fuel positive change across the communities where change is needed the most.

CivicsRUs Voices

Participating in CivicsRUs is transformative. Come be a part of our future alumni. Sign-up and participate now!

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Person To Be Determined

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Person To Be Determined

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Person To Be Determined

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Stay Connected With CivicsRUs

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Join Us

Host a Civics R Us participant at your workplace.

Be an interview guest and share your expertise.

Apply to a program. Learn new skills and expand your network.

Get in touch and share your thoughts or questions.

Learn how Civics R Us works: join us for an event.

Invest in leadership. Support our work.

Our Network

Our alums will be putting their Civics R Us leadership tools into practice in thousands of organizations and communities everywhere.

2021 is our first year of operation, we’ve partnered with government, labor, business, and the nonprofit sector. And the list keeps growing.

Our Partners

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Partner Not Determined Yet